The Ultimate Homeowners Guide to Renovating Your Property!
January 24, 2017
My Uncle Gus handman austin ,texas

home repair handyman near me..

Here’s How to find one.
Maybe you just moved to a new city. Or maybe your old handyman retired and moved on to heavenly Florida too retire. Well In any case it’s time to search the web for a new qualified Handyman near me … , well not me you. Before we get started (shameless plug next) our handyman repair website information is listed at the bottom of the page incase you need us.
So before we start the age old search of finding the holy grail of handymen to repair your broken soul we must first ask ourselves a few questions and these questions are “drumroll please”:
  1. What needs repaired?
  2. What’s our budget?
  3. What’s our timeframe?
Well question one is pretty simple but can also be complicated.
What needs to be repaired? If it’s a drawer handle all most any old handyman can do this task without a problem. Though if it’s a more complicated issue such as a shower handle or stem that needs to be replaced well then you want a handyman that can assure you he’s had some years in this department.
Remember not all handymen are created equal. Check out this post too understand why.     Today though we are looking for what’s called a “Jack of All Trades Handyman” so when you call up one it’s best to ask from the beginning what his limitations are. If they are a true handyman they will pretty much know a little bit about most of the the trades out there in order to repair your home. One major and I do mean major requirement is he must be proficient in drywall.  If he doesn’t do drywall then I would pass on him or her for anything else. Drywall is one of the main cornerstones of the handyman trade. So again don’t be afraid to ask your technicians’ limitations.
Our next question is what’s our budget? Your budget of course literally means how much money do you have set aside for the repairs needed. Some people think 🤔 in their head what a “Repair” is worth to them and not to the Repairee. Remember that door handle? Well you’re thinking that repair should only cost let’s say $20.00 well let’s say for instance that it is worth $20 bucks.
Now let’s not forget we have to add gas time and material for the handyman to get there to perform the task which let’s pretend it’s another $10 bucks so now the repair is $30 bucks. Sure it’s a bit more than you planned in your head , but a Handyman has his business costs as well.
So remember to ask your Handyman for upfront costs and pricing so you won’t get sticker shock after the jobs completed. A real handyman usually charges time and material so that they remain in business. So what does this mean for you? Well ask for price timeframe and upfront. Then budget accordingly and save your money because everything seems to break and needs repairs sooner or later.
Last but not least timeframe. What’s your timeframe for the repair to be looked at and worked on? Well it’s usually yesterday right?! So in reality good decent and fair handymen at least have a 10 day lead on repairs. If it’s the Handyman near me situation it will definitely be less than 10 days because most likely he’s in your immediate area and can get to your location fairly quickly.
Now you have answered all 3 questions and received insight on how and where to find the best handyman near me to help with your household repairs please contact us. We are a Handyman service that specializes in home and commercial repairs as well give us a call and we can definitely help and if not our vast network of qualified help will definitely fit you with a reputable and trustworthy handyman.
My Uncle Gus Handyman Services

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